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Reservation System for Restaurants

Manage restaurant reservations online and offline with ease, increase online bookings at zero commissions, and reduce no-shows. From a single platform.

Never worry about filling seats

Zero Commision

Customizable Widget

Global Booking Channels

booking widget

Drive bookings from all channels

Let guests book at your restaurant using Facebook, Instagram, Google Reserve, Tripadvisor, Michelin Guide, Zomato and your website.

Link your widget with all booking channels and enjoy commission-free bookings.

Upsell events and elevate memorable experiences

Boost special experiences online such as Valentine's, Saturday brunch, Mother's Day, NYE and more! Supercharge your events with payments to guarantee bookings in advance and increase revenue.

restaurants event widget
booking widget design

Fully white-labeled booking widget that matches your brand

Design your booking widget following your brand guidelines such as color, logo, images, buttons, text and customize your messaging in multiple languages. Capture guest data like preferences, allergies, birth dates, emails, phone numbers and notes to enrich your guest profiles and provide exceptional service.

Secure payments to reduce cancellations and no-shows

Capture deposits and pre-authorized bookings in advance for any event or shifts. Create flexible payment rules, group options, and enable guest reminders to secure bookings ahead of time.

secure deposits and pre-auth fees
track source of bookings

Track your source of bookings

Capture bookings from popular third-party channels and know which channel is performing best. Own your guest data and redirect guests to your website for direct bookings.

Easily manage online bookings, walk-ins and waitlists

Stay informed with online bookings and effortlessly oversee all inventory funnelled in multiple dashboard views.

Enable virtual waitlist to ensure additional booked seating in the event of last-minute guest cancellation and no shows.

restaurant reservation software
Easy reservation system

Swtich to an intuitive platform that manages all online and offline bookings

Reservation Tools

All the Servme reservation tools you need to succeed

Fully whitelabeled

Preference and Allergy Tags

Virtual waitlist

Deposit and pre-authorized bookings

Automated confirmations

Multi-venue booking widget

Collect superior guest profiles

Multiple Languages

Trackable booking links

Marketing Opt-in